Communication Plan
For your company and your products/ services to be known in the market, it's crucial to know how to communicate effectively. In that regard, we advise you on how to prepare an Integrated Communication Plan.
A Communication Plan means knowing what to transmit, how to transmit, who to transmit it to, where to transmit and how often to do so.
It's very important to create the desired intent in the customer's mind, to constantly communicate the values of the company, to identifie the difference from the competition.
We can draw you up a plan according to the company's strategy, adapting it to the changes that may occur, maintaining a coherence between the positioning and the transmitted message.
A Communication Plan must be constructed taking into account several steps for the development of an effective communication:
- Identification of the target audience
- Determination of objectives
- Preparation of the communication
- Selection of the communication channels
- Budget establishment
- Decision on the communication mix
- Management and Monitoring of the entire communication process
- Measurement of communication results
“You can have a good product, with a competitive price, available in the right places; but if your customers do not know it, what are your chances of success?”
Gary Jones (KOTLER, 2002)